Lemon Tea – How to make, Its benefits & risks

lemon tea

Have you ever tried lemon tea? If you are a morning person who often drinks a cup of tea / coffee. Make a change and try this lemon tea as it has more benefits such as detoxing your body, improving the heart health, lowering calories and helps you with a sore throat as well. Wondering how to make it? Try these simple steps.

How to make lemon tea

  1. Take two lemongrass stalks and remove the root and peel of the outer leaves.
  2. Add the lemongrass / lemon tree leaves to the boiling water.
  3. Now add 1/4th tbsp. Of ginger to the water.
  4.  Later add an inch of cinnamon and jaggery / sugar / honey according to your taste.
  5. After boiled for 4 – 5 mins, strain everything and pour the water in a jar.
  6.  Now add a tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice into the jar. 
how to make lemon tea its benefits and risks

Benefits of Lemon Tea

  • As lemon has vitamin C it is an immune booster. It also acts against bacteria and is more effective than black / green tea.
  • Citrus containing fruits are much more useful for people who want to take more care about their health. As it has anti cancer properties and reduces the risk of cancers.
  • It can also improve heart health as it helps in removing the cholesterol fats that line up the artery over time.
  • This tea intake can lower your blood pressure and boost your health. 
  • You can have this time if you are struggling with indigestion. This eliminates all the waste products from your body and flushes them out. 
  • This can help you improve your mood and reduce anxiety.
  • As we all know vitamin c has anti aging properties it also helps with reduction of wrinkle formation. 
  • Citric acids which are present in lemon can also help you to reduce the risk of having stones in the kidney. 


  • Taking excess amounts as intake can give you acidic reflux.
  • It’s better for a pregnant lady / a breastfeeding person to consult your doctor if you want to have this.
  • If you are having any other medications with this please visit your doctor and ask if it is alright? 
  • Please avoid giving it to children.
  • Excess of having this can have side effects.

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