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How do carbohydrates impact your health

What are carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are one among the three prominent macro nutrients that serve as excellent energy providers, the other two being fats and proteins. Carbohydrate intake happens from different forms like sugar, starch, fibers etc. Choosing the right carbs can make you improve your overall health and maintain a fit waistline. Here’s how you …


Instagram launches short videos as REELS

Instagram REELS:  Here is how you can create videos like Tiktok using Instagram reels, which just launched in India. Facebook has been testing Instagram Reels in a few countries including Brazil, Germany, France and now this feature arrives in India. Facebook thought this is the best time to bring the reels to India as the …


Re opening of the Paris Louvre museum

The Louvre in Paris, the world’s most visited museum and home to the Mona Lisa, reopens on Monday i.e., 6th July 2020, but with following the novel corona virus guidelines provided by WHO. The Carrousel and Tuileries gardens are open during the usual hours. The Louvre museum has been closed since March 13 and this …